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Scheduled Showings

With our Scheduled Showings feature, Visitors and Customers on your Website can Schedule a Showing with you, by visiting your website, find the Property of their choice, and submit a Scheduled Showing for the listing to you directly, instead of in person or by phone.

Once Submitted by a visitor, the Agent will receive an Email notifying them of the Scheduled showing, as well as it will appear on the "Schedule Showings" area of your admin.

The Scheduled Showings feature allows you, your Staff and your Agents to manually add a "Scheduled Showing" that once created, will send a message to the client allowing them to Accept, Decline, or edit the Scheduled Showing. This can be a great way to market and show homes of interest to potential buyers. 

In the Daily Overview, the calendar will provide a Daily & Weekly list as well as a monthly Overview that is automatically updated whenever a customer schedules a showing on your domain., when you add a scheduled showing in your Schedule showing area, or When a customer re-schedules a showing on your domain. This feature is you, your Staff and all of your Agents

The Agent can accept, reschedule or decline any Scheduled Showing submitted to them, as well as the ability to add notes for correspondence.

This value-added feature is include

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