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Instant Buyer Match

The Instant Buyer Match feature allows you to enter listing information and find Interested buyers for those specifications.

Buyer Match. When your agents are on a listing appointment, they can enter the listing criteria and instantly see how many agents in the office have customers that match.

Once entered, a list of customers will appear that match those criteria.

This tool allows you to tailor a list of customers that are already interested in your properties specifications, allowing you to focus on more interested potential clients.

In the “ Listing Information” area, Enter in the prospective Listings “Street name, City, Listing Price, Year Built, Square Footage of Living Area, as well as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms”.

Select “Match Buyer” to automatically pair prospective interested Buyers with Listings like the criteria you've provided.

A “Buyer Match for Listing Address” area will appear containing the names of customers that match those listing criteria. You can view their “Customer ID Number, Name, Email, Current Agent, and that agents email address.

You can also contact the Customer of your choice by selecting the “Contact” action icon in the “Action” column. Once selected a contact message is automatically sent to them and a green confirmation “Check” appears confirming its delivery.

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